Woodstock Recreation Center Inc.
Register Now
WRC is a 501c3 nonprofit
Your gift is tax-deductible as a charitable contribution and much appreciated!
Group of young children, colorfully attired, running in a field
Summer Day Camp
REGISTRATION will open February 1st
This program will fill fast!
Apples and Crafts
53rd Annual Apples and Crafts Fair and Food Truck Festival- Application

Welcome to Woodstock Vermont's Recreation Center

You have found the Woodstock Recreation Center a 501c3 nonprofit in the Town of WOODSTOCK, VERMONT . This website is the communication center of the center. We try to keep it up to date with information about what we do. Check back here often!

When you’re ready to register for activities be sure to review the How to Register for an Activity page.

Contact Info
Rec Center Executive Director: Gail Devine- gdevine@woodstockrec.com
Assistant Director/Athletic Coordinator: Joel Carey jcarey@woodstockrec.com
Office Manager: Marissa Merrill info@woodstockrec.com

Rec Center Hours

Mon-Thurs, 6 am – 8 pm
Fri 8am - 7pm
Sat 9 am-12 pm
Sun 9 am-12 pm
Phone: 802-457-1502

E-mail: info@woodstockrec.com